Ice Cold Feet
In the hallway that leads to the staff work room there is a poster which quotes a verse from the Bible that says that we are to “. . . encourage one another daily, as long as it is called today. . .” (Hebrews 3:13).
It is strategically placed where the majority of staff see it at least once a day. It is there to remind us of how important encouragement is and how a simple word of encouragement can make the difference in someone’s day, week, month, or life. Over the coming weeks I would like to highlight the topic of encouragement in the director’s message of the Dalat News.
Did you know that encouragement can not only have an impact on us emotionally, but mentally and physically as well?
For our staff and students, the semester always has its challenges and trials. There are times when the work is hard and there is so much that needs to be done. Did you know that encouragement can not only have an impact on us emotionally, but mentally and physically as well?
An experiment was done to measure people’s capacity to endure pain. In this experiment a barefooted person stood in a bucket of ice water. It was documented that when there was someone offering encouragement and support the participant was able to tolerate the pain twice as long as when no one else was present.1
I am sure at times the Dalat students and staff look upon the challenges they are facing much like the person about to put their feet into a bucket of ice water. We may not be able to take away the bucket of ice water, but we can come alongside them and give words of encouragement. By doing so they will be able to persevere through the challenges ahead, and we can make a difference in their lives.
The world is a busy place, and often we are in a hurry. Don’t forget to take time to encourage that friend or family member who happens to have their “feet in a bucket of ice water.”