Failure – the Path to Success
As we continue to look at the topic of “grit” (the ability to pursue a long-term goal even through obstacles, challenges, and frustration), a big part of it is the ability to keep going even when facing temporary failure. But that is just the thing — without grit, for many failure is not temporary.
Admittedly, modern, western education does not do a good job of teaching kids how to handle failure. In fact, for the most part, we do the opposite. Over the next few weeks, we will take a look at the topic of failure and why the statement “If you have never failed, you’ve never lived” is such a powerful one that we need to teach our kids.
Here is a great video that highlights the fact that many of the people we look up to for their incredible accomplishments and leadership had to struggle through and battle failure along the way. In most cases these individuals would tell you that they would not have accomplished what they did without going through the failure and that it was part of the journey for them and it was a part of making them who they are. I would encourage you to take the few minutes to watch it.
Have a great long weekend,
Mr. Karl Steinkamp
Head of School