A Special Place

Although Dalat is not a perfect school and we are always looking for ways to improve, it is a special place with very special students. As school has started back in session, I have been repeatedly reminded of this in different ways and thought I might just share a few of them with you.
- At lunch this last week, I observed a teacher who was eating alone at a table in the cafeteria while all the tables around were full of students. I then watched two students leave their full table of friends to move over and sit and talk with this teacher. I imagine that doesn’t happen at very many schools.
- I ran into one of our new teachers (who has taught in a number of other schools) at the end of the first day, and she was smiling from ear-to-ear. I asked how the day went, and with a huge smile she told me how awesome our kids are and what a great place Dalat is to be a teacher.
- The other morning I was walking on campus and noticed an upper-class student putting encouragement notes in the lockers of some of the younger high school students.
- I met with four guys who graduated from Dalat in 2011 and 2012 who were back in Penang and came to visit the school. It was really cool to catch up with them and hear where they are headed in life. I asked them what they appreciated about Dalat and their time here, and all of them responded that it was the relationships with their friends and teachers at Dalat that made it a great place to go to school.
- Finally, yesterday we were at the New Parent Breakfast, and one of our long-standing parents got up and shared what she appreciated about Dalat. Her statement was a powerful one. She said that Dalat is not just a school, but it is also a family. She passionately explained to new parents that they were joining the Dalat family. Like I mentioned above, that doesn’t happen at many schools.
Tonight is our Open House. Please come and spend time on our campus, see the school, get to know other parents, meet the teachers, and enjoy some good food. Come and see why Dalat is indeed a special place.