Exhibit A

As you know our theme this year is “It’s Still Not About Me.” This last week there was a great example of that which took place on our campus.
The teachers and staff at Dalat are one of the reasons that Dalat is a great place to have your children. Our faculty and staff feel called to serve the students of Dalat and do that every day in numerous ways. Last week when the prime minister surprised us with a 5th day off, while much of Malaysia (and the staff of all the other international schools) took time off from work, the staff at Dalat come to campus to work and to serve.
For the teaching staff it was an opportunity for them to work on and improve our assessments at Dalat, a focus for this year as a school. It is through high quality assessments that we are able to make sure your children are learning the material and understanding it. So on that day teachers all over the campus reviewed, evaluated, and began to enhance assessments at all levels. This process is not an easy one and takes time and perseverance but our teachers worked hard that day and made a lot of progress.
Meanwhile, a number of our non-teaching staff volunteered that day to help watch the dorms throughout the day on Monday. This was to give our residence life staff a chance to rest and recoup from the long weekend (our dorm parents work during all of our long weekends) before having to be back on duty Monday evening with a full week a head of them.
Last but not least, with our expat staff on campus working this meant that a number of our national staff also came in on their day off to help. Whether it was the office staff, cafeteria crew, day care workers, or a skeleton crew of facilities workers, our national staff also showed their dedication to the school and were an important part of the day.
As a faculty and staff we are not perfect. But we are dedicated and committed to the children and community of Dalat and each day we do our best to live out and model our theme this year, “It’s Still Not About Me.”