Harvard Said So

As we continue to look at this year’s theme “It’s Still Not About Me,” we are focusing this quarter on the topic of kindness. The interesting thing is that for some people they see kindness as weak or wishy-washy. However, kindness actually is a very powerful thing. It has the power to change a life and impact people for generations.
Interestingly enough, Harvard is also saying that kindness is an important and impactful aspect of life. A report by the Harvard Graduate School of Education called “Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and the Common Good Through College Admissions” is encouraging colleges and universities to move away from the high pressure testing and high personal achievement standards and to look more at authentic and genuine engagement of applicants in community and family life. When the report came out, numerous headlines flashed across newspapers and the internet saying “Harvard is Looking for Kindness”. The report has already started to have an impact with over 85 top universities, such as Yale and others, changing their admissions policies because of the recommendations found in this report.
Top tier universities are seeing the value of students who are kind, compassionate, and engaged in their community. They are looking for people who will make a positive impact on their campus and those who are kind do just that. Kind people are not weak or wishy-washy, they are powerful people impacting the world around them.