What Are You Reading?

At Dalat, we want to encourage our students to become life-long learners. Part of that idea is that they will become life-long readers as well. There is a staff member at Dalat who often asks staff he is talking to, “So what are you reading now?” Not only does he hear about interesting books, but he learns a little more about his co-workers in the process. I think it is a great question and lately when I have had the opportunity, I have started asking it as well. It is amazing how many great books are out there and how helpful it is to hear from someone why a recent book is worth reading. So in today’s Dalat News I thought I would list the books that I have recently read or am currently reading.
If you click on the title of the book, it will take you to Amazon.com where you can read a brief description and several readers’ opinions. My hope is that maybe out of this list there might be one that you decide to pick up and read. When you do, you will be ready to answer the question “So what are you reading now?”
- The Promise of a Pencil (Adam Braun)
- The Power of Habit (Charles Duhigg)
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less (Greg McKeown)
- Start With Why (Simon Sinek)
- You Are What You Love (James K.A. Smith)
- Creativity, Inc (Amy Wallace)
- Most Likely To Succeed (Tony Wagner)
- The Art of Innovation (Thomas Kelley)
If you read a great book, let me know. It may show up on a future list.