The Dalat staff and administration are proud to use this digital space to recognize and applaud the class of 2022-23. We celebrate both their achievements and the uniqueness that they have been given by their Creator.
Year End Calendar of Events*
* Due to circumstances that may be beyond our control relating to COVID and Malaysian Government directives, these dates are subject to change.
Week Before Graduation
Visual Arts Displays (online): May 18 - May 21
ES, MS, & HS Concerts (online): May 26
Yearbook Assembly: TBA
Final Exams - May 24-26
Graduation Week
Commencement: May 22
Guidance and Bible Checkout: May 22
Last Student Day: May 26
Last Day of School: May 26
Class of 2023 Graduation Events Photos
After the graduation this is where you will be able to view photos!
Google Translate, though it is not a totally accurate word for word translation, it will enable you to at least view much of our content in over 100 languages. Studies show that Korean and Chinese have accuracy rates ranging from 80 to 90 percent.