Middle School

Welcome to Middle School!
The Middle School years are some of the most formative in the life of a student. Grades 5-8 are key years where students learn to develop healthy relationships with peers, begin to explore diverse interests and develop skills and habits that will carry them the rest of their academic career. At Dalat, our goal in these years is to guide our Middle Schoolers through the maturing transformation from child to teenager and equip them for what comes after.
Academically, Middle School students receive a well-rounded education. They will not only study core subjects like English, Mathematics, History and Science, but are presented with a wide variety of other subjects to explore, from band and art to engineering and athletics, with a goal of presenting students with quality educational experiences in a diverse array of areas.
It is through activities that our Middle Schoolers gain experience in forming healthy, meaningful relationships. Dalat kicks off each semester with a retreat with the goal of team-building and relationship-forming. Additionally, each day at Dalat starts off with SAT (Student Advisory Teams) where students in grades 6-8 meet in a small-groups with a faculty advisor for goal-setting and team-building activities while grade 5 students meet with their homeroom teacher. And each Friday, time is set aside for All-Middle School activities to allow students maximum opportunities for building relationships.

At Dalat, it is our teachers that make the difference. Our highly qualified team of Middle School teachers use active learning techniques to engage students in activities that are not only academically rigorous, but also often fun for the student. Additionally, our Dalat team includes an amazing group of Counseling, ESL, and Special Services teachers to ensure that each student is given the opportunity to excel.
As our teachers fulfill their academic mission, they are also modeling living and thinking from a biblical worldview and we pray that at Dalat, Middle School students begin to see their place in the wonderful story that God has for his world and become active participants in it.
“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” – 1 Timothy 4:12
Bev Stevens
Middle School Principal