The Life Prep Program

#adulting…what most college students say is so difficult. They know how to study and get good grades, but the daily practical life issues are what many find most challenging!

Education for Life

Dalat’s motto assures that our students gain much more than academics. We aim to prepare successful adults, fully equipped with academic skills to tackle the next level of education, and the practical skills needed to care for themselves and their own basic daily needs.

The Life Prep Program

This program offers currently enrolled high school students an opportunity to experience community living in the school dorms, practice independence in a nurturing environment, and strengthen their relational skills, preparing them well for college and life.

Available to students in grades 9-12, families may choose one quarter or one semester options for their students to live in the dorms while developing practical skills in a guided and nurturing environment.

Navigating Daily Life

In a recent survey of alumni, high schoolers, parents and staff, several practical skills rose to the top as most helpful and important when navigating daily life at college and beyond. The Life Prep Program incorporates these top 10 skills, including:

Dalat’s Life Prep Program offers two levels: one quarter or one semester.

One quarter in the dorms gives students the opportunity to experience community living, practice independence in a nurturing environment, and strengthen their relational skills, preparing them well for college and life.  This earns students a Level 1 Community Living pin and certification on their transcript.

Level 1 - RM 9670

One semester in the dorms provides the community living experience combined with training in the top 10 practical life skills identified by our alumni, students and parents. Through weekly meetings and real-life practice, students focus on developing these skills with their peers in an authentic learning environment.

Over the semester, students build a portfolio of helpful information and resources for each of the 10 topics to take with them to college.

Successful completion of the skills training earns students Level 1 Community Living and Level 2 Life Skills pins and certifications on their school transcript. Both day and dorm students may apply for this program.

Levels 1 & 2 - RM 19, 340

Application Forms

Note: Applications are currently on pause until August 2022.

Note: To apply, day students and parents may submit a Boarding Application and Life Prep Program Application. For dorm students and parents, only a Life Prep Program Application is needed.

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