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Subject Area

Grade Level




Seniors only

Leadership Development


 Course ID

Leadership Development


 Course ID

Leadership Development provides students with the knowledge and skills to become effective, Christ-like leaders in today’s world. Students will grow in personal insight utilizing tools such as leadership-style and personality-based inventories and discover how to use these gained insights to best work with others toward a common goal. 

Students will study leadership principles from trusted authors and practice skills such as leading a business meeting and planning group events, while also cultivating the “soft skills” of leadership, such as being responsible for others. Students will engage weekly in discipleship and Christian spiritual disciplines while developing an ongoing personal growth plan. 

Students will not only acquire knowledge in the arenas of leadership and character, but will also have continual opportunities to apply this knowledge practically by leading campus ministries such as Impact trips, weekly chapels, student worship nights, youth groups, and Spiritual Emphasis Weeks.