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Subject Area
Year-long, five days a week
Beginning Concert Band 7/8
Course ID
Beginning Concert Band 7/8
Course ID
The beginning seventh and eighth grade band classes help integrate students who are new to Dalat into their grade’s concert band as quickly as possible. At the beginning of the year, students are introduced to various instruments and encouraged to try several. With the instructor’s guidance, each student selects an instrument to learn. Available instruments will depend on the needs in the concert bands.
As individual practice is a must for sufficient progress, students take instruments home or arrange to practice at the school for 70 minutes each week. The goal of this course is for all students to have been integrated into the band program by the end of the semester.
The students will perform with the concert at the end of the semester and then regularly with the concert band thereafter.
*Course IDs:
FA252 Beginning Band 7
FA253 Beginning Band 8