
Donate to Dalat and change the life of a student forever.
There are five easy ways to donate to Dalat International School: cash, check, credit card, bank transfer, or online in the United States by clicking here. In Malaysia Dalat currently does not have an online credit card donation method due to Malaysian regulations.

You may bring cash into the Dalat International School Finance Office during regular business hours.
Bank Transfer
Please email the Finance Office at for bank transfer information or call +6 04 375-2100 and ask for the Finance Office.
A check can be received in any currency. Please make your check payable to: “Dalat International School Sdn. Bhd.” and mail it to: Development Office, Dalat International School, Tanjung Bunga, 11200 Penang, Malaysia.
Credit Card
In Malaysia credit card information will have to be sent by email, phone, or by mail. You may email the Finance Office at or call +6 04 375-2100 and ask for the Finance Office. Dalat currently has no way of using online credit card donation methods in Malaysia.
Credit Card (USA)
In the U.S. credit card donations can be made online through Dalat’s 501(c)(3) organization, Resourcing Christian Education International by clicking here. Please see below.

Online Donations in the U.S.
Online gifts can be made in the U.S., and will issue tax-deductible receipts by clicking here. Dalat International School’s 501(c)(3) organization is Resourcing Christian Education International (RCE). You can visit the RCE website here: Be aware that RCE will impose a 5% administrative charge on donations through their organization and an additional 3% administrative fee for credit cards that will reduce the amount of money that Dalat receives.
Thank you for changing lives at Dalat International School!
If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Development: