Application Process & Timeline

Thank you for answering God’s call to serve overseas by ministering at Dalat International School. If you have questions, please email us.
Follow the link at the bottom of the page to complete our application process online. First, applicants will submit the preliminary application. If approved, we will invite them to review Dalat’s statement of faith and lifestyle statement. If those are approved, the full application process will be opened. This includes checking references, questions about the specific role, and questions about ministry.
After completing the online application, our hiring team will review all of your submissions. Selected candidates will be invited for an initial interview, allowing us to better acquaint ourselves with you and assess your compatibility with our school as a whole. Following a successful initial interview, a follow-up interview will be scheduled with the direct supervisor for the intended role. This interview will delve into the specific responsibilities associated with the job. When the hiring team is close to deciding on an applicant, a final interview will be arranged with the head of school. We prefer to do all of these interviews over ZOOM, so we can both see and hear the applicants during the interview process.
Using the online application process is our primary submission collection point. If you cannot make your submission in this manner, please send an email to
November 1st – February 28th
Job openings posted on the school’s employment page and other websites around the world.
November 1st – February 28th
Applications and references sent to the school through the hiring portal, initial questions and communication with the Deputy Head of School via ZOOM and e-mail.
November 15th – February 28th
ZOOM interviews are arranged with supervisors and/or the Head of School.
December 1st – February 28th
Decisions made and contracts offered.
March – May
Flight arrangements, housing, and other transition steps taken. Welcome committee corresponding with new staff.
May - June
Online Pre-Field Orientation (PFO) to be completed.
July 10th – July 17th
Early July arrival in Penang, mid-July new staff orientation.
Click on the following link to fill out the preliminary application form and begin the application process with Dalat: