Faculty and Staff
Leaders set the tone of the Dalat organization and provide vision and direction for the school. They serve with humility and care to provide an education for life founded on a biblical worldview.
Leaders set the tone of the Dalat organization and provide vision and direction for the school. They serve with humility and care to provide an education for life founded on a biblical worldview.
Dalat International School staff have an international reputation for excellence and reputation with students for exceptional care.
You will see the excellence and care in the extra help teachers provide in classes, the unpaid coaching positions staff members take on, the willingness to meet with students one-on-one, and the numerous activities staff get involved with to make Dalat a unique place.
Dalat staff believe in the school’s mission so wholeheartedly that they are willing to receive a lower salary to provide affordable education through student discounts for students of missionary families who serve in Southeast Asia.
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