
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Serves Compassionately

Dalat students serve compassionately by putting God and others above themselves…

Joy of Learning

EARCOS Leadership Conference, an enriching time of learning about the latest research and practices within education.

Learning In Community

In many ways, I would describe my thirst for learning as insatiable, and that is why I love working with students…

God Is (2024 SEW)

One of the highlights of the first semester each year is the three days we as a school set apart to encounter God during Spiritual Emphasis Days.

Intellectual Virtues

Dalat students think innovatively by embracing new opportunities, taking risks, and overcoming setbacks.

Annual Fund 2024

Our Annual Fund 2024 efforts are solely focused on adding extra value to the school experience for our students.

Old Director's Blog Archive

We shall keep our old Dalat Reflections blog active for an archive of several year's of posts and articles. It shall no longer be updated, all new updates will be found above.