Each year, the school management team wrestles with the issue of choosing a school theme for the coming year. We want it to be impactful, memorable, and practical. It needs to be applicable for all members of the school community, from the 3-year-old students all the way to parents and staff. We also want something that really fits the season in which we find ourselves.
This year, we threw around a lot of ideas but knew that we wanted something positive about moving forward. We also wanted to shift the focus from inward (It’s Grow Time) to outward. When the idea of “reconnect” was suggested, everyone on the team immediately agreed.
We are so thankful that we have opportunities to reconnect physically. Open House is back tonight for the first time since 2019, and that will provide a great opportunity for parents to build or rebuild connections with other parents and Dalat staff. The school will be looking for and planning things throughout the year that will enable each of us to reconnect with one another.
However, reconnecting is not an easy process. In order to be part of a flourishing community, each of us has to put in some effort. The first step is choosing to participate in an event or develop a specific relationship. Then, we must take action on that decision. That might be attending Open House, Moms in Prayer, or a PTO meeting at Dalat. It also might mean joining a group in your church or community.
The first thing we need to do is commit to rebuilding connections with others. Then, we must act on our decisions and follow them up with action. This is going to be challenging when we’ve become so accustomed to isolation and time at home. I firmly believe that the positive impact in your own life and the lives of those around you will be worth any inconvenience. I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at Open House this week or next!
Dalat students think innovatively by embracing new opportunities, taking risks, and overcoming setbacks.
Our Annual Fund 2024 efforts are solely focused on adding extra value to the school experience for our students.
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