“Truth” has become a controversial word lately. In fact, many argue whether truth even exists.

“Truth” has become a controversial word lately. In fact, many argue whether truth even exists. Look at these quotes from two different famous authors.

 “There is no truth, only perception.”
– Gustav Flaubert

“Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.”
– W. Clement Stone

These quotes are conflicting, and make can make us wonder if anything is true. One explanation suggests that some truth is relative and some are absolute. The idea of “absolute truth” is that truth doesn’t change, regardless of the circumstances. The concept of “relative truth” is that what is considered “true” can change depending on the situation, the time, or the people involved. This idea gives me pause, as a former English teacher. The very term “relative truth” seems self-contradictory. (Other examples of self-contradictory statements are “sharply dull,” “old news,” and “awfully good.”)  

In the Christian faith, we believe that truth is absolute and can be known. Let me share one more quote:

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
-Jesus (John 14:6). 

As Christians, we believe that Jesus himself is truth. We cannot find truth outside of the person and work of Jesus Christ, and the Bible shares much of this truth with us today. This has led many people to doubt whether there is really truth, because they don’t know Jesus. 

According to this article from Christianity.com, there are three characteristics that define absolute truth. 

1) Truth is constant and doesn’t change as circumstances or cultures shift. 
2) Truth is objective; it applies to all people equally.
3) Truth will prevail and stand the test of time.

Our goal is for all of our students to consider the biblical worldview that Jesus is the truth, then to make their own faith decisions. Not all students will go away with the same beliefs, which we understand and support. However, no matter your faith or religious background, considering your stance on truth is worth the time invested.

Written by Shawna Wood

Ms. Shawna Wood is dedicated to mentoring and discipling the next generation. Shawna has a Master of Education and has been at Dalat since 2012, first as Middle School principal and now as Deputy Head of school​.
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