We use the word “hope” pretty casually in everyday language.
“I hope you have a good day at school.”
“I hope you sleep well.”
“I hope I get an A on my test.”
“I hope we win the soccer game.”
In all of these statements, we are hoping for something that we are unsure will actually happen. Wish and desire are both synonyms of hope. Wikipedia says, “Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large.”
This can’t be what the above verse is referring to, as this type of hope is neither firm nor secure. An optimistic state of mind is fleeting at best, as some worry in life will quickly change that. If I’m hoping to win the soccer game and there’s a massive thunderstorm, my hope will quickly drain away.
So what is this hope that is firm and secure enough to be an anchor for our souls? We really have to read through the book of Hebrews to get the context of this. This hope is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises in the Old Testament in the person of Jesus Christ. The hope mentioned throughout the Bible is a sure expectation and confidence that God will keep his promises. It is not something uncertain that may or may not happen. (For more on this topic, read John Piper’s writings available on this website.)
Pay attention to how you use the word hope in your conversations in this coming week. What do you really mean by it? Is your hope wishful thinking or firm and secure? In your own life, do you have hope in anything that is firm and secure? Many people go through their lives without this type of anchoring hope, and it makes them feel very vulnerable. A hope with a secure anchor helps to keep us strong and grounded even in difficult times.
Dalat students grow spiritually by showing gratitude and having a teachable attitude.
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