National Staff: Maintenance
These dedicated individuals provide a clean campus and well-maintained facilities for the students, staff and community at school with friendly Malaysian smiles.
These dedicated individuals provide a clean campus and well-maintained facilities for the students, staff and community at school with friendly Malaysian smiles.
Front Row (left to right)
Rajeen, Vickneswaran
Back Row (left to right)
Not in Photo – Perumal, Maheindran, Durairaj, Ramkkumar, Dinesvaran, Narendran Kumar a/l Gunasekaran (Naren), and Mahendran a/l Vadivellu (Mahen)
Facilities Manager: Vickneswaran Bascaran
Updated photo coming soon…
Dalat International School staff have an international reputation for excellence and reputation with students for exceptional care.
National Staff should be shown the highest level of respect from students and parents because of their dedication to our children and Dalat International School.
National Staff keep our students safe, well-fed, and provide clean, well maintained classrooms and facilities for the entire community.
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