General FAQ

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All classes (with the exception of modern languages) are taught in English.
To benefit student’s English language skills and for the sake of the community, all students are required to speak English at all times during the school day between 8:20am and 3:45pm every day.
All students in Kindergarten through grade 12 are offered the option of Dalat’s healthy lunch program served in the cafeteria for a fee.
Each child is welcome to bring their own lunch and can sit in the cafeteria and take advantage of the beverages. Morning and afternoon snacks are also available for preschool and elementary school students for a fee.
All students are allowed to stay after school to play during open campus hours if they are old enough and if they are directly supervised by an adult. Dalat is a community for its families and we encourage you and your child to stay after school to play and connect with friends.
Students grade 6 and below must be directly supervised by a parent after school otherwise they must be picked up immediately after school is finished and taken home. Grade 7 students and above may stay on campus during open campus hours without direct parental supervision.
School starts at 8:20 a.m. for ES and MS and 8:25 a.m. for HS Monday through Friday.
Preschool 3 and 4 dismiss at 12 noon each day. Kindergarten through grade 12 dismiss at 3:10 p.m. everyday unless they participate in an after school club or X block which ends at 3:50 p.m.
Dalat International School requires all students to wear the required uniform for their grade level during the entire school day.
Dalat uniforms and PE uniforms can be purchased anytime during regular business hours in the school office and in the Uniform Room at specially scheduled times before each semester.
Uniforms must be clean, neat and well pressed each day. Proper footwear that is neat and in good shape is also required but there is no uniform standard. It is inappropriate to wear beach flip flops to school.
More details on school uniforms and pricing can be found in our Uniform page.
Dalat School was opened in 1929 in Da’Lat, Vietnam and was established as a school for missionary children whose families were serving in Indo China. The school has been running ever since. Dalat School moved to Malaysia in 1966 and has been in Penang, on its current location, since 1971.
For more information see our History pages.
Da’Lat is a small mountain village in southern Vietnam and is where the school was started in 1929 and was known as Dalat School. The school never changed its name because of its history and reputation in Asia.
For more information see our History pages.
School starts at 8:20am Monday through Friday.
Preschool 3 and 4 dismiss at 12 noon each day. Kindergarten through grade 4 dismiss at 3:05pm everyday unless they participate in an after school club which ends at 3:45pm. All other grades, 5 through 12, will finish at 3:45pm every day.
There are periodic early release days for staff development, but parents will be given adequate notification.
For more information see our Campus Hours page.
Dalat International School runs on an American, two semester school calendar. The first semester begins the second Tuesday of August and ends mid December. The second semester begins late January and ends in early June.
There are three and four day weekends scattered throughout the year during Malaysian and American holidays with a weeklong spring break at the midpoint of the second semester usually in early April.
For more information see our Online School Calendar.
Unlike many international schools Dalat school fees cover all academic costs and most extracurricular activities; there are no hidden costs. All books, classes, administration, competitive sports and school trips are all included in school fees. Additional costs that are NOT covered include: scouting, some club sports, high school college entrance (SAT) and Advanced Placement (AP) exams, and school uniforms.
School fees also include an annual Building Fund fee that provides funds for school building projects and future development.
For more information see our Fee Schedule.
Children from missionary families serving around the world do receive student discounts so that they can go to school at Dalat. This is part of Dalat’s history and a core purpose of why Dalat exists. The discounts children from missionary families receive is made possible by Dalat staff salaries and not from tuition; families who pay full tuition do not make up the tuition for missionary families. Dalat tuition is on par, not higher, than other similar international schools in Penang.
The Dalat expat staff believe so much in the mission of Dalat School and its core purposes that they are willing to sacrifice standard international school expat salaries to work here. Dalat staff receiving lower salaries make it possible for missionary student discounts.
If financial aid is required for a student to attend Dalat International School their needs will be evaluated on a case by case basis. If you need financial assistance or belong to a qualified mission organization please contact the Admissions Office for scholarship details.
No. Dalat has an open admissions policy and does not discriminate between race, religion or nationality. However, being an American Christian college prep school with English as the language of instruction preference is given to native English speakers, North Americans, qualified mission organizations and families with children already at Dalat.
Yes. All Dalat International School students are required to attend all scheduled classes and participate. However, the school and staff understand that not all students are Christians and do not require students to declare any faith.
Dalat encourages discussion and learning about all religions and will many times initiate different perspectives. This is critical as students learn to make their own decisions and think for themselves.
All students are taught to love and accept others for who they are and this is lived out inside and outside the classroom. Dalat International School does not tolerate any form of harassment to anyone in our community. All children are treated equally and will be protected from abuse.
See also Guidance and Counseling | Personal Protection Policy.
It is Dalat’s philosophy on education. Dalat International School seeks to teach our children in areas that go beyond books and academics.
Education for Life is the pursuit of training the next generation to be people of good character, integrity and care for others that will prepare them to make a positive impact on the world in any area they choose to work and live in.
See also Mission and Goals.
Dalat holds an annual fundraiser in October and November in our community to raise money for school improvements that are not included in the school operating budget. These school improvements include items that will enhance and improve our student’s ability to participate, learn, and prepare for their future. All parents, students and staff are encouraged to participate in making our school better!
Dalat International School is a fully accredited, college-prep, American school with a long record of academic excellence. 94% of Dalat graduates go on to study at prestigious colleges and universities all over the world.
Student SAT results are an impressive 10%-15% above the US national average:
See our latest School Profile for more information.
All Dalat teachers are certified teaching professionals, the overwhelming majority have been educated in North America and all others being trained in the North American education system, and most hold advanced degrees.
See also Faculty and Staff.
If an outside group is interested in meeting at Dalat they first must find a Dalat staff sponsor and contact the school Facilities Coordinator for a facilities request form. The request will be considered by the School Management Team and if approved will allow usage for a nominal fee.
If a parent or student has an event they would like to advertise to the Dalat community they must first get permission from the school office to do so. If permission is given they will be allowed to be displayed in a specific area for a limited amount of time, but may not be passed out. No business advertisements are allowed at Dalat International School.
All money making projects at school are limited to specific events that benefit our school or for charity and are run by students or staff.
Yes, as long as they are accompanied by you as your guest; they cannot come on their own. Visitors are not allowed on school campus without being escorted by someone from the Dalat community.