Dalat Athletics Offers 6 Varsity Programs
Discover a broad range of competitive and non-competitive opportunities.
Discover a broad range of competitive and non-competitive opportunities.
Dalat Athletics offers 6 Varsity programs with youth teams down to the U11 level. Varsity sports include soccer, volleyball, basketball, track & field, touch rugby and crossfit. Dalat is a founding member of the Asia Christian Schools Conference (ACSC) with 7 other Christian schools from Asia.
The conference offers international tournaments in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track & field. Dalat also competes in the Penang Schools Athletic Conference (PSAC), composed of Penang international schools.
For more information please contact the Athletics Director, Mr. Jarrett Ulmer, julmer@dalat.org
Boys and girls volleyball is a Season 1 sport (Aug-Oct). Varsity volleyball teams play 25-30-game seasons, host the Spike & Strike tournament in Sept/Oct and travel to the ACSC championship at an international location in late October.
JV teams are comprised of 9-10th graders. JV teams play 15-20-game seasons, travel to Kuala Lumpur for a tournament and occasionally host a tournament. Middle school teams compete locally and at a tournament in Kuala Lumpur every year.
Boys and girls soccer is a Season 1 sport (Aug-Oct). Varsity soccer teams play 22-25-game seasons, host a local tournament in Sept/Oct and travel to the ACSC championship at an international location in late October. JV teams are composed of 9-10th graders. Girls Varsity Soccer also competes in Season 3, where they attend the ACSC championship at an international location.
JV teams play 15-18 game seasons, compete in the PSAC tournament and occasionally travel to Kuala Lumpur for a tournament. Middle school teams compete in PSAC and friendly matches throughout the school year.
Boys and girls basketball is a Season 2 sport at Dalat (Nov-Feb). Dalat’s varsity basketball teams play 25-30 game seasons, host the Island Shootout at Dalat in December and finish with the ACSC championships at an international location. JV teams are comprised of 9-10th graders.
JV teams play 18-20 game seasons with a tournament in Kuala Lumpur and the Jr Island Shootout in February. Middle school teams compete in PSAC games and tournaments in Penang and Kuala Lumpur.
Girls Touch Rugby is a Season 2 sport (Nov-Feb). Varsity Girls teams play 18-20 games a season, including a local tournament in Dec/Jan and travel to Kuala Lumpur for a tournament. There is no ACSC Championship tournament for Girls Rugby.
Crossfit is our newest Varsity sport addition and is a year-round team. Varsity athletes compete in a minimum of 2 competitions/ meets throughout the year in order to earn a Varsity pin. These competitions are events held both locally (Island Throwdown) and in Kuala Lumpur (Spartan Race & a school-hosted event).
Everything on athletics is found right here. Check out Dalat’s in-depth sports programs. See what interests your children have and how they can get involved.
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