Boy and Cub Scouts

Scouts Expand Their Horizons

Dalat International School offers Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts for young men in grades K-12. Affiliated with the Boy Scouts of America through the Far East Council, Scouting gives students multiple opportunities to develop their character, leadership skills, and sense of adventure.

Scouts expand their horizons and stretch their abilities, earning badges by working on a wide variety of special activities and skills during club time. Our core of trained and committed parent-leaders bring their expertise and experiences to teach the Scouts in a variety of fun ways. Near the conclusion of each semester, both Boy and Cub Scouts host a Court of Honor ceremony in which Scouts receive recognition for the awards they have earned.

Scouting is a year-long commitment. Membership dues are paid at the beginning of each calendar year. Scouts are expected to purchase basic items of the uniform and the handbook, as well as for awards as they are earned.

Scouts is designed to involve parents as key contributors to the program. Parents are expected to be actively engaged in helping their scouts work on requirements for earning a variety of badges and awards. Parents may participate in any of the following ways:

  • Serve as a den or troop mom or dad.
  • Lead a small group.
  • Coordinate snacks and drinks for club meetings.
  • Help supervise field trips and special excursions.
  • Be a special guest speaker

For more information about the scout program at DIS please contact Mrs. Dale Pham, Scout Leader (